Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Can I drink the sprite?

The first lesson was AWESOME! My partner Jillian did a GREAT job and I am so lucky to have her :) We worked really well together and things seemed to go fairly smoothly. Jillian and I took turns explaining things and writing on the board so we were equally involved in the lesson. I felt that we both had a fair amount of time to talk and we would jump in and help one another out if needed. We stuck with the lesson plan for almost the entire time yet did not have a chance to go over the poem but will do that next time! For the most part everything was on task and it really seemed to go well!

The children seemed interested throughout the entire lesson and I feel that this was because they normally do not have science very often and knew we were doing a fun experiment. It was apparent that they had a great amount of background knowledge because some of their answers such as,"The water will go through the process of freezing and turn into ice cubes!"  were awesome!

One of my favorite parts about the lesson was when they actually put the Alka-seltzer tablets into the water and they dissolved. There was a unanimous "WOWWWWW!" and it was hard to stop smiling after that!

The students understood our safety rules that we mentioned to them such as the proper way to smell things, not to drink it(even though once the tablets were in the cups, many thought it was sprite!)and not to run in the classroom just to name a few! The students were extremely respectful to us and one another which really led to a positive learning experience for all!


  1. Sounds like you both had a great experience teaching your first lesson. Knowing both of your personalities I can see why the children would be so engaged during your lesson. Glad you had fun too!


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Haha! That's a great picture!
    It sounds like you guys had an awesome lesson!! I also thought it was so great to hear the amazed reaction from the kids! It definitely let us know that they were interested and engaged in learning! Can't wait to hear stories from lesson 2!
