Sunday, October 10, 2010


Becky and I were at my boyfriend's game and we saw this beautiful rainbow.
We were talking about how beautiful it was and than we mentioned how we never saw a double rainbow! SECONDS later we looked up and saw this!

The second one is a little difficult to see because I took it on my phone camera but it was MAGNIFICENT!


  1. amazing!! Thanks for sharing those pics!!

  2. That's so cool! I've never seen one either, thanks for posting those!

  3. I saw the double rainbow too! How beautiful huh!? Great pics! :)

  4. Yea it was so cool!! We were mesmerized by it (and Asley's playing, of course haha!). Jen and I were laughing about how we are such typical teachers whipping out our cameras, but the best part was when Jen's basketball boys brought out their cameras and actually started video tapping too haha! It was great!!!


  5. wow great pics ladies!! How did the game go?

  6. Ehhh not as pretty as the rainbows to say the least :)
