Friday, September 17, 2010

My Science Story! :)

My science story begins when I was a little girl who would love to explore her backyard and enjoy nature. I would often have my brothers or friends join me, but a lot of the times I went alone and was very content with that. I loved being able to hear all of the noises of mother nature around me while I was able to be whoever I wanted to be.

We had a very long stream in our backyard which started out as a pond but was filled in for safety reasons. (I was not a happy camper!) I loved going out there and "saving the stream" as I called it. I would find the best hiking stick around and use it to clean the leaves, rocks, and anything else that got in the way of the beautiful flow of my beloved stream! I would spend hours outside cleaning the stream out and pretending I was getting interviewed and helping save the world! I would often go so deep into the woods that I would not hear my mother call me for dinner. (She was not a happy camper!) I felt so peaceful being able to do whatever I wanted and often times that was just nothing, which was just perfect to me!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jen!

    Great pic by the way!! I love your story about how you used to "save the stream". My brothers and I did something similar where we would make little houses and nests for squirrels and birds. We thought we were helping them out! Who knows, maybe some of the animals took advantage of the free housing! Lol!

