Thursday, September 23, 2010

Website for teachers, parents, children.. oh my!

Hi everyone!

This website is AWESOME!! It has so many different parts whether it is showing you how to do experiments, provides you with lesson plans, and even provides you with presentations you can download. There are a ton of resources on this!

Another great part about this website is there is a website for children and for parents too! On the website for children you can take virtual field trips to museums and even view some animals live through webcam! You can play games as this website takes you on your own personal journey through science!!

This website also allows you to view it in nine other languages!!! This will be very useful for teachers, students, and parents!

Enjoyyyyy :)


  1. Good one Jen!

    I especially like that it is also geared towards parents! As a parent, it is great to have this resource that focuses on what I can do to improve my child's science knowledge and interest!

    Thanks dearie!


  2. Hey Jen!

    I came across this site too in my search! I has a little of everything, and I love how interactive and interesting it is! Great find!

