Thursday, September 30, 2010

How do you prepare for learning the science content you need to know to teach your kit? (Changes)

Team Changes!

One of the first things that I did to refresh myself on states of matter was I went straight to  I just love this website and Moby cracks me up too! The website has a ton of useful information and for many other subjects too!

Another useful website was  This provided great information, diagrams, quizzes and different activities. Even though I am an adult, I like to visit "student" websites because it breaks down the topic in a simple way that I am able to understand better.  

Additional Resources: 
This was a GREAT one! 

These websites will help me learn the science content that I need to be able to teach my kit. There are so many different resources out there that can help you regardless of your topic. The internet is an amazing tool that can lead you to endless possibilities! Enjoy!


  1. Nice job Jen! I love your pics and big up to Moby too!

  2. Great Post Jen!

    I loved Chem4Kids! what a great site. And how can you not love Moby!! hahaha
