Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It's kind of like.... HOCKEY!

Our lesson plan went fairly well overall. The kids seemed to understand what we were expecting of them(even though we need to write the objectives on the board next time to be sure!) We took a lot of the feedback from our classroom teacher last time and worked on things that needed to change, mostly with classroom management. This included simple suggestions such as call each row over to the rug instead of all at once or have one partner get the materials from the table instead of both going over, etc. Jill and I made some adjustments and think we did a fairly decent job with the management aspect. 

We were talking about a sieve and the children were not quite sure exactly what it was. One of the things we've been talking about in our classes is how important it is to relate material to real life situations of the students and I know a lot of the kids in the classroom played hockey. I than said, "Why do they call a hockey goalie a sieve?"  I than suggested what happens when they call a goalie a sieve and one of the boys said, "because he lets the puck go through him into the net." I was so pleased he understood! I than went back and explained to the class that a sieve is something that let's things through it. After that we talked about other times they've used sieves and they really seemed to understand it!
(The picture is of one of my best friends. He played here for 4 years and now is playing Pro Hockey! He is the reason I was able to explain that.. but he is NOT a sieve!!  :)

I feel that the students are really learning and understanding what we are trying to teach them. Even though at times I feel like the classroom may feel a little chaotic, I just need to keep reminding myself that chaos when they are learning and understanding is good!! :)  We were given a few additional suggestions that we will include in our next lesson plan and hopefully will continue to grow as teachers!

Andddd my partner was great once again! Go Jill!


  1. You are already on your way to being a great teacher by allowing yourself to be receptive to feedback from the teachers (and your bubbly personality doesn't hurt either). I think that your hockey example was brilliant for the children. We used real colanders from my kitchen during our class as examples and wish I had thought of the hockey one as well (especially given that it is hockey season - Go Bruins!)

  2. Hey Jen!!

    Great thinking with using hockey to explain a sieve, knowing that it is meaningful to many of your students! When we asked our class what a sieve was, no one knew. I'm sure your students will remember the hockey explanation since it is directly related to them! It's also good that your getting so much feedback and using it in the next lessons. Great job! Can't wait to hear about next week!

