Thursday, November 11, 2010


YAYYY..SCIENCE TIME!!  Boy does that feel good to hear!! The kids seemed so excited when we walked in and it really makes all of the extra work and time SO SO worth it :)

As for our lesson, I felt that it went pretty well! Jill made great signs that we put up on the board with process skills such as OBSERVE.. and Make INFERENCES.. We also included vocabulary words and our objectives for the week and added them up their as well. We reviewed our process skills, vocabulary words, and objectives in the beginning of the class which I think helped keep the students on task and give them a better idea of what we were expecting of them!

There was a lot of materials this time and anytime there is water in the classroom, we as teachers have to be extra careful, so we designated one person from each group to walk carefully to the materials table and to get the tray that was laid out for them.  This helped with our classroom management a lot and we also used stickers (Deb and Megan gave us this idea! :) ) and put them on the hand of each child as it was their turn to, for example, stir. This allowed every student to get a chance to be involved in the activity and we thought this was especially important since this week it was bigger groups of students than last week. I really feel that we are getting a better idea of how to manage a classroom which I think is so important in order to have a successful learning environment.

We went through each step very slowly which was recommended by our teacher and it really helped all of the students stay on task. (and us as teachers too! :) We are really learning some great teaching strategies from this experience! 

The students really seemed to understand the idea of dissolving. We talked about a solution and when we mix lemonade at home we add a solid into a liquid and it turns into lemonade. It was like LIGHTBULBS.. "ohhhh yaaa" they all said. It is such an amazing feeling when the students make connections and really seem to understand things!

Overall, I felt that we had a successful lesson and am looking forward to what is going to happen next week! :)


  1. aweee that's so awesome that they are so excited about your lessons!!
    It's not hard to see why though, you are a super enthusiastic teacher!!

    I'm glad your lessons are going so well! Yay!

  2. Don't you just love the excitement of the kids when you go in to the class! It really sounds like you are doing a great job! I know I have been nervous each week when there are more and more materials that need to be handled and it sounds like you are doing a great job making sure your students handle the materials with care and that each person gets an equal shot at participating in their experiments. Keep up the great work!!

  3. I loved reading about the excitement that greeted you! Leah and I are enjoying a similar phenomenon!

    I liked how you were careful when dealing with H2O and used a sticker to designate which student would be handling materials. It's a subtle and fun way to highlight their responsibility.

    Looking forward to future updates!
