Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Um.. they both are sugar!!

This week went pretty well! Jill and I always start off by setting up all of the materials which I think prepping ahead of time is so important for a lesson. It just makes the transition go so much smoother! Jill gave a quick review of last week's lesson and than an introduction to this weeks lesson. I went through how to correctly
 fill out the record data sheet to ensure that students knew what they were doing.

After we reviewed our data sheet, we had the students observe the sugar cube and observe the sugar grains. The students made some great observations of the solid's properties. The kids described the solids as white, hard, and both as sugar(Which was so cute!) One of the things we did again this time was give out stickers to the student who would be stirring and the student who would be holding. We felt this would ensure that students would not fight over who go to do what and we talked about that next week the other partner would do it.

We were very surprised to see that we had many kids who had the sugar cubes dissolve quickest. When this question came up, I asked the student if they did something special besides just stir it. The student replied that he was kind of hitting it with his stirrer so he thought that is why it broke down quicker. Many other students said they did not hit it with their stirrer and many students said they had a tie. We talked about all of the reasons why they thought their particular solid may have dissolved quicker.

We had difficulty incorporating the T/E into our lesson but my partner did an AMAZING job talking about how the stirrer is better to use in the water. She asked the students and many replied that it was harder, wouldn't fall apart, etc. She is the best!

We had students fill in their science journals about what was their favorite lesson. We thought it would be interesting to see what lesson they liked best. I am going to be so sad when the lessons are over but luckily I will be student teaching with this class next semester and I just cannot wait!!! 

I really feel that Jill and I have grown a lot as teachers. We feel that we have developed some really great strategies and can't wait for our own classrooms to put them to use! :)


  1. Looks like your lesson went EXCELLENTE!! It seems like you and Jill are learning so much from this experience! Your lesson sounded like it was a lot of fun and the students were really interested and engaged in the activity! Science is totally cool anyways so why wouldn't they! haha great job though jen, and good luck next week on the last lessonnnnnn!!!

  2. Hi Jen!

    I am so happy your lesson went so well this week! I love your sticker idea to mark the jobs of each partner. The students must love that! It was difficult incorporating the T/E segment into our lesson too but Ben did a great job talking about the way two of our minerals were used thousands of years ago. I am going to miss the students too! I can't wait to student teach but that won't be until September. This experience was a great preview of what's to come! Great post! :)
